Home assistant create binary sensor. weather_pacinvtot = 0) then state = not working (off) .


yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. But make an input boolean to store the state, then make an automation that toggles the state when the sensor is triggered. status', 'status') == 'up' }}" device_class . attributes. kitchen_motion is a PIR sensor binary_sensor. window_1 binary_sensor. Depending on the device class, open and closed, wet and dry, clear and detected would be reversed based on the sensor Sensors including the time update every minute, the date sensor updates each day at midnight. It lists the integrations to be loaded Mar 20, 2022 · I have got a thermometer (called: ‘sensor. Example: I could combine all the binary_sensor of my windows AND logic: turn on if all the windows are open OR logic: turn on if at least one window is open I now achieve The template platform supports sensors which breaks out the state and state_attributes from other entities. I looked through the documentation and searched a lot, but can’t find the correct variables. How can Aug 1, 2023 · i am trying to create a binary sensor that shows “home” when connected to my home network and "away when not binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: karl_iphone_wifi_home: value_template: &gt;- &hellip; Dec 21, 2021 · Hi I’ve setup a binary sensor that combines two motion sensors. ` 2. yaml file. Is there any way that I can change it to “binary_sensor”, so it only shows open or close? Thank you. Electrity available → switch is available → binary sensor show on. With Templates and Custom Sensors you can format and convert data so that it look Dec 8, 2017 · This video is a tutorial on how to configure binary sensors and template switches in Home AssistantHere are a couple of links for you. The state of a Template Binary Sensor can only be on or off. window_4 Each one of the sensor shows if a window is open or closed. Is there a way that I can get a sensor populated as below: calendar. If you are not sure how to edit the configuration. Is it possible to combine an input_boolean in a binary_sensor g&hellip; Jul 16, 2023 · To monitor garage open/close status, I am using a sensor: binary_sensor. car_garage_door', 'tiltangle')|float > 60 }} While I can see the sensor in the UI, it uses a different ID Binary sensor . Home Assistant has the potential to support custom events in the same fashion; an Event platform that permits you to define, for example, a temperature sensor that receives its values from a custom event. This ingenious blend automatically lights up the bathroom when it's in use. The helper works exactly as intended, so I created (or attempted to) a Sensor to indicate open/closed status. Here is the template I have built: - trigger: - platform: webhook webhook_id: long_uuid binary_sensor: - name: "webhook_status" state: "{{ state_attr('states. If over the course of one hour, movement was detected for 6 minutes, the average_step is 10%. I would be nice to have a switch or checkbox in the entity customization menu or manually through yaml to invert the displayed state. But I found the Helper GUI and want to create such a helper from there. You then use the template sensor to display the screen’s status as desired. Jun 26, 2017 · I don’t like the look of the switch in the dashboard and wanted to know if I can change to a binary_sensor since the states are just on/off. So far I think it is great, but am struggling with my most recent configuration, I wonder if anyone can shed some light on the correct way to progress. I can see the value on my MQTT broker and on home assistant but cant see it to create gauge on dashboard. states are online, away and offline. C… Templates and Custom Sensors are a more advanced feature in Home Assistant. Aug 2, 2023 · Ping is implemented in Home Assistant as a binary sensor integration and therefore should be added to the binary_sensor portion of the configuration. Sep 23, 2020 · There are times when a binary sensor is used in an unconventional application where I would like to reverse open vs closed, wet vs dry, etc. all not capitalized. Jan 11, 2023 · I would like to suggest a new helper, equivalent to the “combine the state of several sensors” for binary_sensor. i am very new to all this and really struggle to get my head around some of the different bits especially the configuring the yaml file after trying to add something. weather_solar_rad > treshold (say 20 w/m²) AND the inverter is not generating power (sensor. I want to be able to see if the sensor on average turns on about 5 times per hour or less - or are Jan 10, 2020 · the entity is just sensor. Sep 1, 2022 · I am trying to create a binary sensor from a guide on this page: Virtual Energy Meters with PowerCalc | Sean Blanchfield This is the code I am trying to get in to my HA: template: binary_sensor: - name: fridge_always_on state: on This works when I put it in configuration. Feb 23, 2020 · Create an input boolean and use your power sensor when pump running > (say) 2 seconds to turn it on if it goes below 20W The pump switch off should also have this boolean as a trigger (when - > on) and the pump on automation have the boolean being off as a condition to start Jan 15, 2021 · That is why I mentioned the template binary sensor (you did not provide your sensor-definition). So I’m trying to add the TV as a binary sensor motion detector, that when it’s on it’s considered motion. I would like to create a new sensor (TV Status) that if the watts is =< 2. There are many posts with ideas how to cope that via YAML. YAML configuration . Any tips please? They are devices that the netgear presence detection found and I want to see if they are on of off I have this but it always off - platform: template sensors: test: friendly_name: test device_class: presence value_template: > {%- if is_state("device_tracker Aug 29, 2021 · I want to feed some sensor data in to HA from another computer and I guess the easiest way is MQTT. Is there a workaround available? Feb 26, 2023 · It’s important to be clear on what you are asking for. To fix this use case, we have to add a Helper Group of type binary sensor to Home Assistant. hahm_000a1d89a65220_1’). The URL for a binary sensor looks like the Jun 10, 2022 · By today you have to create a template sensor to extract values from devices attribute e. Oct 6, 2023 · binary_sensor. Battery charging; Battery heater; Preconditioning enabled; Scheduled charging enabled; Trip charging enabled; Climate state . {{ states. Normally I just use the built in automation for this, since you can trigger based on state time. So it is excluded from triggering on. 1°C/min depending on the current state of the Feb 4, 2023 · I have a birthday-car which shows nicely all the upcoming birthdays in days. The integration will create binary sensor entities for a variety of metrics related to your vehicles: Charge state . Proxmox Permissions Nov 11, 2019 · sensor: !include sensors. I would like to only run the action if the sensor was on for Apr 14, 2021 · Hi everyone. The Statistics and Template sensors are two examples of the last case. Let’s call the Helper Group “all motion sensors hall”. Basically, I have a tasmota device with ibeacon support that detects my bluetooth tracker and then I would like to create a presence sensor with it. But there is no integration of sensors which gives me the first birthday coming up so I can make some automation or raise a flag to notify me. Sep 19, 2022 · i’ve got two sensors from the Version integration, the “Current Version” & “Home Assistant Versions”. smoke_1','on') }} According to the documentation linked Jan 19, 2020 · Hello, I just want to create a virtual on off switch that I can export to Google Home Assistant and give the voice command on or off to, which will then initiate an automation within Hass. ). i am trying to add a binary sensor for my front door using this code binary_sensor: - plaform: mqtt name: "Front Door Sensor" state_topic: "tele/RF_Bridge Jul 17, 2022 · If he decides not to enter the house, only the outside light will turn off. One of the attributes is the charging status, and to grab this I’m using the following without issues: - platform: template sensors: ls_charge_tablet: friendly_name: "Tablet Charge State" value_template: >- {{ states. Right now, I have a binary_sensor for each individual window. binarysensor. Below is the code from ESPHome and below that is the devices it creates. sensor2 to value "12. I can’t seem to find any references to time/day of the week conditions in value_template parameters. 66; state_class=measurement, unit_of_measurement=W, device_class=power, friendly_name=Test SW Aug 20, 2019 · For this particular sensor, in home assistant, it’s just a binary sensor updated by an IFTT webhook. To add the Trend helper to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: Mar 9, 2022 · Hello, I want to create a binary_sensor that is set to on when two other binary_sensors change from off to on (and condition) and is set to off when the same two binary_sensors change from on to off (also and condition). sensor1 to state "ON"" "Set sensor. Basically, I want to create a Binary Sensor switches on as soon as a different binary sensor has been off for X amount of time. charging_state }} This creates a sensor that returns a value of charging Jan 19, 2022 · Then add in your front end GUI, a card that will implement the binary sensor with as entity name: binary_sensor. open_the_garage_door Consider home: Number of seconds that must elapse before considering a disconnected device “not at home”. yaml panel_custom: !include panel_custom. yaml: # Workday binary_sensor: - platform: workday country: IT workdays: [mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat] excludes: [sun, holiday] Then I removed from the configuration, restarted HA, but the device is still listed and I cannot remove it becase the button Remove Entity does not appear. steam + a bunch of numbers. `Add the humidity sensor to your Home Assistant frontend by creating a new entity in the appropriate Lovelace dashboard. You can use lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. Nov 30, 2023 · Hi! I have a scene Entity from KNX integration that represents scene numbers (1-64). Thank you. The binary sensor has support for GET and POST requests. Some of these sensors are built-in to Home Assistant, some are created automatically when you add an integration (see this list), and some can be created manually. Here is my configuration. The ID must not start or end with an underscore. This way you can check if a given host is online and determine the round trip times from your The Input boolean helper integration allows you to define boolean values that can be controlled via the user interface and can be used within conditions of an automation Automations in Home Assistant allow you to automatically respond to things that happen in and around your home. com/page. yaml Then in file “binary For example, the entity ID here could be shortened to binary_sensor. This can be useful, for example, in cases where you want to control multiple bulbs in a light fixture as a single light in Home Assistant. yaml And my binary_sensors. yaml: binary_sensor: !include binary_sensors. Within a binary sensor template I am trying to compare the current temperature with the set temperature on the TRV. trigger: platform: homeassistant event: start action: "Set binary_sensor. The person component of Home Assistant doesn’t allow binary_sensors for device tracking. The template below is returning false, despite it being true (all day event) - platform: template sensors: vanessa_day_off: friendly_name: Vanessa Day Off value_template: >- {% if state_attr('calendar. kitchen_radar another mmWave sensor. 3 you can fix it easily. Configuration . I can see it working (shows on/off states), but that control doesn’t show up as a sensor in the automation devices list. So you COULD create a command binary sensor, but the command will be constantly running attempting to determine the state of the sensor. In other words, I want a sensor that will tell me if the fan on the furnace is running. Some binary sensors are created automatically when you add a device integration. This doesn’t work…either with a camera binary sensor, or any other. I’m trying to make binary sensor to be set “on” when date is between months and days defined via input number fields in UI example: start_day_of_month = 15 start_month = 10 stop_day_of_month = 15 stop_month = 4 Today is 17. May 14, 2017 · I’m using a binary_sensor to detect if I’m home or not. temperature unit_time: min name: temperature derivative time_window: 00:05:00 binary_sensor:-platform: threshold # will switch state not at 0°C/min but 0. May 10, 2022 · Create a “device” in Home Assistant that has a virtual indication if the inverter is working or not. A sensor has exactly one state: for example, a temperature sensor has the temperature as its state. I am trying to make a binary sensor template to show whether the Fan attribute for an Ecobee thermostat is on. garage_door_input I want this May 8, 2020 · First you want to create a binary sensor , not a switch, so you need to use a MQTT binary sensor The value template should look like this: value_template: "{{ value_json. One state, can be many values. I can’t find any way to transfer it to “binary_sensor” open or close. This time I am trying to take the status of my ZWave Lock, and my Wyze Sense Contact, and create one sensor to say the overall status of the Front Door. I’ve tried the template binary sensor examples and I can’t seem to get it to work, wondering if it’s possible. So, for example, you could create a group of binary sensors and also add a switch to it. It is the first time I am writing a Nov 15, 2018 · Well, you can get out of sync if home assistant restarts and the door is open. I will now try the one you suggested, which if i understand correctly, the state need to change for at least 2 seconds before it triggers the automation, so, “unclean” change will be ignored. They work perfect but I need a way to create a cover out of the binary sensor that determines if the door is open or closed. json. doors_windows_locks', 'on') }} device_class: safety Here is my group doors_windows_locks: name: Doors Windows and Locks all: true entities: - lock. kitchen_occupancy mmWave sensor binary_sensor. I am now able to identify Mar 4, 2018 · thats because you are using single quotes to encapsulate your template. In order to do this, I’m trying to create a binary sensor that is operated by the garage door cover. This means all binary sensor filters are processed in the order given in the configuration (so order of these entries matters!) Sep 18, 2016 · Hello all. I’m doing something wrong in the template below: - platform: template sensors: nightmode: friendly_name: "Nightmode" value Nov 15, 2018 · Is there any way to set a binary sensor state from an event triggered by an incoming IFTTT event? Dec 1, 2022 · Hey folks, I am trying to convert a webhook into a binary sensor and struggling a bit. Here’s what I have: template: - binary_sensor: - name: BigGarageDoorBinarySensor state: > {% if is_state('cover. yaml and added this line: binary_sensor: !include_dir_merge_list includes/bin_sensor. mygooglecalendar Jul 14, 2022 · I have a bathroom humidity sensor and I do the following: I create an averaged sensor that gives me the average over the last 12 hours. For example, adding the ecobee integration will create a binary sensor to detect room occupancy. So I edited configuration. It allows specifying which days of the week will count as workdays and also uses the Python module holidays to incorporate information about region-specific public holidays. I want to split these attributes into individual entities. yaml: I need my PIR sensor with default settings, and my pushbutton with pull_mode:UP [could be ommited, i know] and invert_logic: true, How to i fit those two in my code? my configuration. However, I don’t even have a clue on where to start. Is there a way to convert a binary_sensor into a device_tracker entity? To use your Command binary sensor in your installation, add the following to your configuration. garage_door_switch name: Test binary sensor icon: mdi:light-switch state_color: true A binary sensor is a sensor that can only have two states. Now I want to be able to use that boolean in a binary sensor. It works great. Current Consumption of a wall plug It´d be great to just click a button an get this done without touching a yaml file again? BR Johannes Nov 7, 2020 · With the button wired to your board, you can proceed to create a GPIO binary sensor in your configuration using the code provided in the documentation. default state = working (on). Is what I am looking to do possible? Nov 14, 2022 · I’m trying to group my garage cover sensor and a binary motion sensor for lighting automation. , I have my electricity provider data generated using a custom integration. You can add several binary_sensor and get a new binary_sensor. If the power consumption is bigger than 10W, then the binary sensor is on; otherwise, it is off. But I want to create each file for each binary sensor (possibly one file for all template binary sensors). I am trying to ‘fix’ by using a zigby thermostat and a Shelly-1 switch that controls the heater. You also have the option of hiding the individual member entities in a group. To enable Template Binary Sensors in your installation, add the following to your configuration. Device class . Nov 30, 2020 · Hi! I use ESPHome for device tracking some BLE devices and it works very well. They are similar to Sensor Filters. I then use a value template to give it a ‘door open’ or ‘door closed’ icon for the lovelace UI, based on the binary sensor value. what I am used to in Node Red). Here is my binary_sensor: binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: test_for_petro: friendly_name: Test for Petro device_class: power value_template: > {{ is_state('binary_sensor. The following entities can be grouped: binary sensor (binary sensors) button (buttons) cover (covers) fan (fans) switch (switches) MQTT binary sensor The mqtt binary sensor platform uses an MQTT message received to set the binary sensor’s state to on, off or unknown. So I went ahead and got it done in Node Red (I may move it to a template once I learn more about the syntax in HA vs. I have read several threads on the matter example and I am not getting anywhere. See full list on opensource. state_home Feb 15, 2023 · They told me that I don’t understand. weather_pacinvtot = 0) then state = not working (off) . sensor:-platform: derivative # will be positive for rising temperatures and negative for falling temperatures source: sensor. Then I can create a template sensor with “Days to trash” Dec 2, 2020 · Hi all, I am new here, but been using home assistant for the last couple of months after migrating from OpenHAB. In Google Home, it’s integrated through a connection to Wyze Home, the manufacturer. Sep 24, 2022 · And add the following code of my home assistant KNX file (have additional details above the file does work as my lights and brightness sensor is in it) binary_sensor: - name: "motion sensor" state_address: "0/2/2" Edit: That did not work either, the sensor just stays off but the KNX sensor does detect motion (it has a testing option that shows Mar 4, 2023 · Hey guys, I wanted to have a binary sensor that basically shows me when I have excess power (when my battery is at more than 80% charge, the car is not charging and the solar panels produce energy. I have a service that pushes data to The next image depicts an original sensor and the filter sensor of that same sensor using the History Graph integration. Thoe downside is thwt the icon for the binary_sensor is generic on/off. NODE_NAME_VMNAME_running. Values are INTERMEDIATE_POSITION, OPEN, CLOSED. test_sw_power }} <template TemplateState(<state sensor. Here is what I have been trying: front_door_status: friendly_name: "Front Door Status" value_template: >- {% if is_state('binary_sensor. Or double on the inside single on the outside. This works really well for me. Finally, create a routine in the Alexa app, and on the “When this happens” choose “Device” and then choose the new device! You can then specify the actions for this routine as desired. How can I use this in an automation to trigger an event? template: binary_sensor: - name: "Kitchen & Dining Room Motion" device_class: motion unique_id: kitchen_dining_room_motion icon: mdi:motion-sensor Dec 28, 2022 · 1. state|float %} {% set Oct 19, 2022 · A binary_sensor (as far as I know) cannot be updated using Home Assistant services. In this example, the device class is set to “window”, but you can select from any of the device classes supported by Home Assistant . I have an input boolean that is working great that C4 calls on a change of state of the motion detector. vakantie_start_datum input_datetime. I created the following helpers: input_datetime. Time in on/off states is ignored. I know that I can create a binary sensor from a switch with a template, but supporting it directly would simplify the use a lot. Aug 12, 2020 · I create a binary_sensor with platform template that is updated when the input_boolean is changing state; However, this approach requires the combination of a Input Boolean and a Template Binary Sensor whereas the same result can be achieved with just an MQTT Binary Sensor (i. This works pretty well and much better than the regular device_tracker components. Binary sensor . This binary_sensor reflects the state of a device but you cannot change the state of the device by changing the binary_sensor… Look at this post for a possible solution to “force” a sensor/binary_sensor to change its value: Sep 12, 2023 · Hi all, I wanted to create a binary_sensor which indicates if we are on vacation. components. Oct 2, 2022 · The switches should be able to be used as binary sensors, because after all, they have the same states (on and off), the only difference is that you can modify them. yaml - platform: template sensors: kitchen_minus_living: entity_id: - sensor. The ping binary sensor platform allows you to use ping to send ICMP echo requests. A device class is a measurement categorization in Home Assistant. This is what I came up with in my configuration. Feb 27, 2023 · I am trying to create a binary_sensor programmatically, by sending an autodiscovery payload (this is Node. So, instead, workarounds are used. If OPEN or Please see the dedicated platform sections below about how to configure them correctly. This simplicity allows Home Assistant to efficiently process and display the status of each sensor, ensuring users can quickly grasp the state of their devices at a glance. garage_door_switch The code in the lovelace configuration file should look like this: - type: entity entity: binary_sensor. 1°C/min or -0. windowstatusfrontleft: INTERMEDIATE_POSITION windowstatusrearleft: CLOSED windowstatusfrontright: CLOSED windowstatusrearright: CLOSED The attributes have 3 values and I want to set the state depending on these attributes. average_timeless: The percentage of stored measurements, for which the binary source sensor was “On”. binary_sensor : - platform : gpio name : "Living Room Window" pin : number : 16 inverted : true mode : input : true pullup : true Jan 28, 2023 · hello to all as i stated before i am new here . I have several machines that I am monitoring with home assistant using the binary ping sensor. I realize I could make a binary Aug 19, 2022 · Sorry in advance for being terrible at templates. They told me that it is impossible. The binary sensor will either be on if the VM’s state is running or off if the VM’s state is different. The lambda will run continuously; it isn’t possible to specify an interval at which the lambda runs. Does anyone have a good example of a simple binary sensor in python using MQTT including HA discovery and availability? Dec 13, 2022 · I have a binary sensor that turns on and off based on external events at random times and for random durations. The Sliding Door Sensor just simply doesn’t appear in my entities. 2 & 1. But if you are upgrading from Versions 1. message. The sensor will then exist as long as Home Assistant is running. What is the best way to make a binary_sensor for living room that would show status as “open” if any of the four windows is open? Thanks. front_door_sensor_opening (this has states of “off” and “on”) To open the garage door I am using the google assistant SDK: I had to make a script to open the door; script. I get my electricity bill due date from that sensor. Group addresses . . The idea is to use the availability of the switch to measure if there is electricity or not (it is not used to switch devices): Black out/no electricity → switch is unavailable → binary sensor is off. However, there is one machine that by design does not reply to pings. May 7, 2020 · I can’t seem to get this to work. The HTTP sensor is exactly what you are looking for. The problem is that this thta it turns of at 00:00. Oct 6, 2016 · I just got 2 z-wave door sensors. One of problems is that this condition is overlaping “next” year. So I basically try to check the state of three sensors and set another one on or off based off that. vakantie_eind_datum both set to date only at the moment (preferably they would be date and time) I create a helper based on a template with the following template: template: - binary_sensor: - name: "vakantie_status" state Dec 8, 2020 · I have these garage door openers I made out of some Sonoff boards and using ESPHome for the configuration. so, if I understand it correctly, my binary sensor would be something along the lines of: binary_sensor: platform: template sensors: windows_pc: (this is what my binary sensor is called?) May 20, 2017 · Any kind of binary sensor you create is going to actively try to determine the state of that sensor using the specific methodology for that sensor. Then you can make a binary_sensor template that says open/close as a sensor. # Example configuration entry binary_sensor : - platform : homeassistant name : "Input Boolean From Home Assistant" entity_id : input_boolean. To enable Filter Sensors in your installation, add the following to your configuration. The motion detectors work fine and I’ve added them in a group. However Binary Sensor Filters¶ With binary sensor filters you can customize how ESPHome handles your binary sensor values even more. Any help is appreciated. window_3 binary_sensor. spotter_vibration state: 'off' for: minutes: 2 action: - service: notify. window_2 binary_sensor. This integration will automatically add all available devices to Home Assistant, after presentation is done. i’m wanting the binary sensor so i can more Sep 9, 2023 · Thanks. e. Apr 13, 2022 · I want to add a custom binary sensor whose value is derived from an attribute of another sensor. The state will be updated only after a new message is published on state_topic matching payload_on, payload_off or None. (binary_sensor, in this example). Thanks Jan 10, 2019 · Next you just need to expose a binary sensor (it can be a normal door sensor, or even a Template Binary Sensor) to Alexa, and ask Alexa to scan for devices. So what I want to achieve is that I need to create a binary sensor that will turn on just 2 days before the date approaches and keeps on for 4 days after the due date. I then create a binary sensor that triggers to true if the current humidity is >10% above the average. I have a reed switch attached to the garage to show me the state as open or closed. I’ve done this using an MQTT-based binary sensor, setting Mar 24, 2021 · I have bee trying for a day now how to transfer a binary sensor state from one HA to another via MQTT but I only succeed to transfer it as a sensor. Group addresses are configured as strings or integers in the format “1/2/3” for 3-level GA-structure, “1/2” for 2-level GA-structure or “1” for free GA-structure. my_calendar This sensor has only information about vacation on day 2 with start end time etc. sms_billy data: message: > Dryer is done! This works, however if the binary_sensor is enabled for just a second, I will end up with a notification. Currently I do it with a couple automations and an input_boolean helper, which is set to on or off based on state of the two binary_sensors, and then the binary_sensor changes The homeassistant binary sensor platform allows you to create binary sensors that import states from your Home Assistant instance using the native API. https://home-assist Oct 28, 2022 · I think this will be useful to fix this now moving forward, but this update will hide your selection of your motion sensor from any existing sensor light automations you have. trash WIth info about this event with start, end etc. Sep 11, 2020 · I thought this would be straight forward but I must be missing something Here is my binary sensor all_doors_closed: friendly_name: "All Doors Closed" value_template: >- {{ is_state('group. living_room_motion_1. I have done some searching and tried to adapt other examples I have seen but failing with it. Single on the inside, double on the outside. At the moment I have the following in configuration. yaml file: Feb 13, 2023 · Hello there I am trying to create a binary sensor from the state of a wifi switch. What I would like Aug 30, 2022 · This template code and other sensors works good while it is in configuration. 03 so switch should be set to “on”. It can be useful as part of automations, where you want to base an action on a trend. If you are starting from new then your all good and this will not affect you. Unfortunately I can only add device_tracker as persons. 1, 1. tablet_lstablet_ls_battery_sensor. I want to create a binary sensor that turns on when a certain date is reached. yaml The configuration. I have all of those binary_sensors in an entity_filter card that only displays them when a window is open Next, we’re going to add a very simple binary sensor that periodically checks a GPIO pin to see whether it’s pulled high or low - the GPIO Binary Sensor. The following can be used to create a time and date sensor whose output can be properly customised to use your own preferred formatting, specified in the call to timestamp_custom() using standard Python datetime formatting. Oct 2, 2020 · Binary sensors streamline the process of monitoring various states within a home automation system by providing a clear, binary output. js but the problem is the content of the payload and not the specific language) sendMqttToHass( `homeassist&hellip; May 29, 2019 · Is there any way to create a “dummy” binary sensor the state of which is controlled only from automations, with no actual platform behind it? I know I can use an input boolean, but I want it to be a binary sensor, with all of the features thereof (customization options, being legal to use where a binary sensor is expected, etc. They made me understand that enough is enough and I should stop talking nonsense. i have a question board is esp-01 with relay board on gpio 0 gpio 2 is a physical push button that is configured as binary_sensor and activates gpio0 as long as is pressed my question is what config should i have for gpio 0 to do the same as gpio2 and be accessible from webserver??? now is configured as a switch switch: - platform: gpio name Jun 21, 2020 · I have a binary sensor which has 4 attributes. I may need some basic assistance to get me rolling on this one. Thanks! binary RESTful binary sensor The rest binary sensor platform is consuming a given endpoint which is exposed by a RESTful API of a device, an application, or a web service. The problem is, that ESPHome uses the binary_sensor entity (with on and off as status) instead of device_tracker. Doors: - binary_sensor Apr 12, 2024 · Hi, I’d like to make a binary sensor that’s on from 22:00 to 08:00 everyday. It would be nice if either binary_sensor could be used as device_tracker or if binary_sensor A percentage of time across all stored measurements, in which the binary source sensor was “On”. nightmode which activated after 23:30 and turns off at the next_dawn. I know HA resets time at midnight but I wonder how I can keep this sensor ‘on’ even after midnight. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific May 2, 2023 · Is there any way to show a binary sensor as a bar graph - maybe through creating a template sensor of some kind based upon it, but (not only am I not sure how to do that and if required can someone help on the configurai&hellip; Jun 23, 2019 · Hi everyone, first of all sorry if this has been asked a hundred times. half the quantity of entities if you were to use MQTT). kitchen_temp. You don’t have to define it in the configuration first. Do not change the domain of the entity - the part before the . Other binary sensors can be created manually using the template integration or using an input boolean helper. yaml: - platform: rpi_gpio ports: 13: door Apr 20, 2019 · Hi All, I’m trying to get a binary_sensor to report either ‘on’ or ‘off’ based on the value of another sensor. To create the random binary sensor, add the following lines to your configuration. Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me figure this out because I am frustrated. After a restart of Home Assistant the sensor will be gone until it is triggered again. May 10, 2022 · I am trying to integrate a motion sensor from a Control4 via Webhooks. binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO14 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True name Template Switch The template platform creates switches that combines components. I’ve tried several variants of the following: binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: furnace_fan_living_room: friendly_name: Fan Running device_class Mar 3, 2022 · I’m trying to create a MQTT sensor for generic temp probe on victron cerbo using MQTT. if their states are the same, then “up-to-date”, else “out-of-date”. I can nmap port 80 and see that it is open. first time having to convert a sensor to a binary sensor. Aug 29, 2021 · Hi, If I have four reed switches installed on the four windows in a room say living room: binary_sensor. Sep 24, 2021 · I’m attempting to create a single template binary_sensor that is true when any of my windows are open, and false when all of my windows are closed, AND that contains a list of all open windows as a list in it’s Attributes. for 1 week. I tired the code with other binary sensor (of different brand/make), and it worked perfectly, no double notifications. So I want the Shelly to be on when the thermostat calls for heat and the Shelly to be off when the thermostat says heat off. The random binary sensor creates random states (true, 1, on or false, 0, off). Following this recipe (in Norwegian, sorry): https://skagmoelectronics. What I think I want is to be able to create a sensor called binary_sensor. I want a binary sensor that turns on if the difference between 2 temperature sensors is greater than 3. Template entities will by default update as soon as any of the referenced data in the template updates. `Create a binary sensor in Home Assistant by using the binary_sensor` `platform in the configuration file. io I tried various ideas with binary_sensor…templates, generic switch platform but these all seem to need an actual hardware device and it seems like I can May 17, 2020 · In the bathroom, I've devised a binary sensor that considers the room “occupied” if humidity exceeds 60% (a tell-tale sign of a shower in action) or if the motion sensor picks up movement. BinarySensorEntity Feb 19, 2018 · Is it possible to manually set the state of a binary sensor or any sensor as part of an action in automation, i. house_big_door', 'opened') %} on State-based template binary sensors, buttons, images, numbers, selects and sensors. MySensors The MySensors project combines devices like Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, NRF24L01+ and RFM69 to build affordable sensor networks. Writing automations to determine when these states should change is, obviously, an exercise left to each user and their use case, however, there’s no easy way to actually set a binary_sensor from an automation. So, as I’m attempting to put some Hikvision binary sensors in, I added a section: binary_sensor: !include binary_sensors. 0 watts, it will show as “off” and if &gt; than 2. Apr 26, 2019 · I guess you are right. I tried this based heavily on that thread: binary_sensor: - platform May 28, 2022 · I created a binary_sensor with the Workday integration, by adding this to my configuration. office_temperature’) and a TRV (called: ‘climate. Producing your own custom time and date sensor. The CatFlap gives me binary signals to tell me if they are at home or not. I recently added a Shelly1 to control my garage door. Mar 24, 2024 · Each screen gets a binary_sensor (on/off) that sensor is used in a template sensor that translates on/off to UP/DOWN or OK/NOK. So far my attempt below has not worked… Any tips? binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: onyko_amp_power: friendly_name: "Onyko Amp Power" value Feb 17, 2024 · I have Zigbee motion detectors in the house, but if my kids or wife are watching TV they move so little that the motion detectors miss them. sensor. Just point me in the right direction, because i believe i might be barking up the wrong tree. All filters are processed in a pipeline. Derive entity platforms from homeassistant. The default is 180 seconds (3 minutes). For example, if you have a garage door with a toggle switch that operates the motor and a sensor that allows you know whether the door is open or closed, you can combine these into a switch that knows whether the garage door is open or closed. ecolink_doorwindow_sensor_sensor_5: friendly_name: 'Side Door' sensor_class: opening binary_sensor. In order to use the delay_off you would have to create a template binary sensor, based on your ping-sensor: Feb 3, 2023 · I have a binary_sensor group that represents if we are in our home, and I would like to add an input_boolean to represent if a guest is present in the home. Jul 13, 2022 · Hi All, I’m trying to create an mqtt binary sensor for some presence detection but I simply cannot understand value templates. myphone_moving_faster_than_human_can walk that uses various inputs from the phone’s Cloud3 device tracker and/or the iOS Companion app. It doesn’t look as nice when using a device_tracker with picture and home/away-label. Depending on the current number (12,22,32) the binary sensor should have state 1, or 0 (scene 10,20,30). Sep 28, 2019 · I’m passing the battery state over to HA via MQTT. Mar 17, 2019 · I really need help. In my configuration I customized them to be opening type sensor_class. yaml file, or you have never used YAML before, be sure to check out the beginners guide to YAML for Home Assistant. The created sensor will be called binary_sensor. You could choose between AND and OR logic. trigger. Jul 26, 2024 · I have a Aqara sp-euc01 integrated with Z2MQTT. An example of sensor config would be appreciated. For example, below configuration would turn the state of an ultrasonic sensor into a binary sensor. Oct 27, 2020 · Hi, I’m trying to wrap my mind around the Binary Sensor Templates. The workday binary sensor indicates whether the current day is a workday or not. I have the below automation. Dec 13, 2019 · What is suggested practice for driving a switch from a binary sensor? My house’s wiring from the thermostat to the heater is toast. yaml: - binary_sensor: - name: "excess_power Dec 5, 2021 · Hi experts, I want to add my cats like person-badges to my HA-Lovelace. I just bought a fibaro smart implant to transfer all my old home alarm sensors to z wave. I’m trying to create a binary sensor based on power consumption. Auto seat climate left; Auto seat climate right; Auto steering Wheel climate; Overheat May 28, 2021 · Long story short, I bought a door sensor that is incompatible with HA, and therefore had to do some magic with an un-used tablet, couple webhooks, and an Input Boolean helper. g. Template Binary Sensor¶ The template binary sensor platform allows you to define any lambda template and construct a binary sensor out if it. if there is sufficient sunlight (sensor. i want to create a binary sensor to basically say i’m either “up-to-date” or “out-of-date” by comparing the state of each of the two integrations. If the current temperature is lower than the set, I want to use this later on a Jan 7, 2020 · I’m using Cloud3 device tracking, and I want to change the interval update depending upon how fast a phone is moving. The integration will automatically create a binary sensor for each tracked virtual machine or container. For example, you can have a template that takes the averages of two sensors. You will need to specify the sensor's name, device class, and any other relevant parameters. Add the motion sensor for the hall outside and the motion sensor for the hall inside to this group. Maybe I am overthinking how to do this, but all I want to do is create a template binary sensor for specific calendar events. Oct 19, 2020 · Hello! I’m trying build a binary_sensor. Jan 11, 2021 · Hi HA team, I have a TP link HS110 that can report energy use. Dec 4, 2020 · I have the following set up to map a tilt sensor to an open / closed state on my garage door: binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: car_garage_door: friendly_name: "Car garage door" unique_id: car_garage_door_state device_class: door value_template: >- {{ state_attr('binary_sensor. E. But to keep my file clean I tried doing this: binary_sensor: !include binary_sensors. I do not want to use the HACS client since it creates too much trouble for me. yaml. This handles seasonal and (most) weather related humidity changes just fine. 5"" To enable the Times of Day binary sensor in your installation, add the following to your configuration. com Oct 10, 2017 · Hey guys, I am having some trouble setting up my doorbell switch. Like…: Use input_boolean instead Aug 18, 2020 · Home Assistant already has an MQTT platform where received data is consumed directly by sensors, binary_sensors, fans, locks, etc. I would like to binary_sensor to report ‘off’ if the other sensor value is below 5 and ‘on’ if it is above 5. If you are looking for more than one state, then you have two options: multiple sensors; use attributes; Each sensor has one state but can have any number of This sensor requires at least two updates of the underlying sensor to establish a trend. Aug 26, 2023 · How do I write a template for a new binary sensor that simply checks whether a specific event name is on the calendar for today, and then sets true/false? This works: service: calendar. It is the value in yellow line. Dec 7, 2017 · Hi, I’m trying to create a binary sensor that will report on or off when my wife is working from home. The kitchen_occupancy is located where the curtain in the window can trigger false motion so the lights turn on in the middle of the night when the window is open. I like that there is visual feedback when a binary sensor is on or off. test_sw_power=2. I know how to create binary sensors but I’m terrible at the whole time handling thing. It seems easy but I just can’t get it to work. # doors binary_sensor. data. php?p=documents/06_tibber_ha_stromsparing Oct 27, 2020 · I’ve searched for a few days and I cannot find anyone doing what I want to do, or talking about it anyway, so I thought I would come here for advice. What I want to do is to create a graph that tells me how many times per hour it turns ON - and then graph this metric (times on per hour) for a long duration, e. kitchen_temp - sensor. You need to mix quotes. input_boolean: slide_door: name: Slide door status initial: off Dec 7, 2018 · Hello I thought I knew how to create a binary sensor from a device tracker… However after 60 minutes I have failed. Can anybody help a retired who is not that good at understanding programming. If such a sensor existed, I could create automations that fires Dec 28, 2023 · Hi Guys. I have an input_boolean that is on or off depending on whether the TV is on or The HTTP binary sensor is dynamically created with the first request that is made to its URL. active }}" Nov 3, 2022 · So for me this gives me a sensor available as below: calendar. Mar 15, 2021 · Hi, I need help with a template. In the Lovelace card Binary sensor . Thus it can take some time to show an accurate state. 0 will show as “on”. When I added in the Shelly to HA, the reed switch appeared as a binary switch with the classic "on" and "off" (as binary. ecolink_doorwindow_sensor_sensor_6: friendly_name: 'Front Door' sensor_class: opening I can then add them directly to my frontend in a group. wyzesense_frontdoor', 'on') %} Open {% elif is Dec 28, 2021 · you open up home assistant go to devices add (then select virtual switch, a box pops up asking you what type of sensor you want this to control (open/close, home/away) give it a name and its added as two entities one for switch and one for sensor under the same name, the switch controls the state of the sensor. Enter or edit the friendly name. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. I need to detect that her phone is home, and that it is also Monday through Friday during work hours. list_events data: start_date_ti&hellip; Oct 1, 2020 · Many times, the value of a sensor or binary sensor needs to be calculated based on various conditions and events. - alias: dryer_done trigger: - platform: state entity_id: binary_sensor. temp_inside_upstairs value_template: >- {% set kitchen = states. However, it shows my device as a switch and has the on off. You have 2 options. back_door Aug 18, 2020 · Here with another question on creating a Template Sensor. Mar 8, 2024 · How can I pull MQTT topics frigate-1/events and frigate-2/events to create binary sensors via MQTT? Specifically, if a person is detected by the front home camera, set binary sensor front home to 1, otherwise set it to 0. Similarly, if a person is detected by the side home camera, set binary sensor side home to 1, otherwise set it to 0. Tip: If you want to create multiple sensors using the same endpoint, use the RESTful configuration instructions. ejjyk mloo noxacp kle itje zzyxg ztpoj sulcc fjo bbm